The best lubes for your favorites sex toys, explained

You know what they say: Safety first. And in the world of sexual wellness, lube counts as both a safety measure and a more comfortable experience, too — but if you’re using it with sex toys (or condoms) there are a few things to know before jumping in.

While you may want to grab oils and oil-based lubricants, they aren’t safe for sex toys or condoms.

"Many toys that are advertised as silicone are actually made of silicone and other plastic materials, that are not oil safe,” one Hype Bae article says, “As a result, oil-based lubricants wear out condoms and slowly deteriorate sex toys. However, there are various types of lube, some compatible with sex toys and condoms, some compatible with latex, some for external use, some for internal use, and so forth. “

To better understand, and slide through everything you need to know about the best lube for sex toys, keep reading, below.

What is Lube Used For?

Lube for sex is used to reduce friction by making the vagina and or anus wet. Whether you’re enjoying intimate time with a partner or masturbating, lubricants can support a better, more comfortable, sexual experience. While the vagina can produce its own moisture, adding to it can mean more pleasure. Give it a try, and you’ll see what we mean. 

The Two Most Common Types of Lube

The more you learn about sex toys, the more options you’ll encounter. Because pleasure is something we all deserve. Two common types of lube are water-based lubricants and oil-based lubricants. When it comes to sex toys, lubricant can be especially helpful, but you’ll want to make sure the lubricant is compatible with the sex toy. The same goes for protection, such as condoms. Water-based lubricants generally have fewer ingredients making them a more versatile option, but check product recommendations before using. Another factor you’ll want to consider is the ingredients. Afterall, the lube is touching your sensitive, intimate areas. An area that should be free of toxic chemicals. With Bloomi, you can shop with confidence, knowing that all of our products are created with our clean standard, and free of toxic chemicals. Let’s compare water-based lubricants and oil-based lubricants to help you understand the intended use for each. 

  • Water-Based Lubricants: Water-based lubricants are usually a gentler option, with fewer ingredients. If you or your partner are sensitive, you might want to opt for a water-based lubricant. In addition, water-based lubricants are compatible with silicone sex toys. Our  Smooth Water-Based Personal Lubricant ($15) is formulated for penile and/or vaginal application to enhance the ease and comfort of intimate activity. Safe for use with silicone sex toys and compatible with latex and polyisoprene condoms, our clean, water-based lubricant can help make initiate moments more enjoyable. 

  • Oil-Based Lubricants: Oil-based lubricants are thicker and can last for longer, which is why they’re a popular choice. Our Delight Oil-Based Personal Lubricant ($15) is designed for similar use compared to our Smooth-Water Based Personal Lubricant ($15), for penile and/or vaginal application. It’s a clean formula that can moisturize and lubricate, thus enhancing the ease and comfort of intimate activity. However, it’s not compatible with natural rubber and latex, polyurethane, or polyisoprene condoms. So, you can start to see where each type of lube has its own purpose. 

Looking for more excitement? Try Luxe Arousal Serum ($45) to increase pleasure before and during intimate moments. Apply 2-4 pumps topically to intimate skin a few minutes before intimacy and enjoy. Plus, it’s compatible with latex and silicone materials. While an arousal serum is different from lube, the perfect combination of sex toys and products can redefine intimacy as you once knew it. 

You can also try Luxe Arousal Oil ($45), designed for external use on the vulva, skin, clitoris, inner thighs, and surrounding areas. Apply 2-4 pumps, or desired amount, to your fingertips and gently massage on the application area. While it’s not compatible with latex, it may help get your partners a little wetter down there. 

What is the best lubricant for sex toys?

Some lubes, and truthfully most lubes, can be harmful to our beloved sex toys as they can degrade the material. One of the best types of lube to use with silicone sex toys is a water-based lubricant. Water-based lubricants are favored for their simplicity and versatility.

Our Smooth Water-Based Personal Lubricant ($15) is safe for silicone sex toys and is compatible with latex and polyisoprene condoms. While there are other types of lube, such as a silicone lube or oil-based lubricants, that can be used with sex toys, they are not compatible with silicone sex toys. Most are not compatible with latex either.

Remember it like this: 

  • Water-based lubricant: Safe for sex toys, including silicone sex toys. 

  • Silicone lube: Safe for most sex toys, but not safe for silicone sex toys. 

  • Oil-based lubricant: Safe for most sex toys, but not safe for silicone sex toys. 

Can Baby Oil Be Used as Lube for Sex Toys?

In short, no. Baby oil should not be used as a lubricant, even though it’s safe for human skin and has moisturizing properties. There are several reasons to support the recommendation, including the following.

  • Baby oil can weaken condom strength by 90% with as little as 60 seconds of contact. 

  • Baby oil can irritate the vulva (outside part of female genitals). Intimate areas like the vulva can be sensitive to chemicals and moisture, further supporting the need for lubricant free of toxic ingredients.  

  • Baby oil is hard to wash off. 

In the heat of the moment, you should always be prepared for safe sex. Shop our collection of intimate wellness products, including our personal lubricants ($15), free of toxic ingredients. Take home a free Delight Organic Oil-Based Lubricant($15 value) on orders over $50 at Bloomi.

Can Olive Oil Be Used as Lube for Sex Toys?

Natural oils such as olive oil can be used as a substitute for lubricant, but should be avoided with sex toys.

Olive oil could potentially degrade the material of sex toys. In addition, it can break down condoms. If you’re experiencing previous irritation of intimate areas, a natural oil option may provide some relief. If you’re looking for natural lubricants, shop our collection of personal lubricants backed by our clean standards. Our products might make you think a little dirty, but we keep it clean

Sex toys and lube can both elevate intimacy. Just as sex toys should be used as intended, you’ll want the right type of lube for the sex toy. Silicone is a popular material for sex toys, but it’s not compatible with most types of lubes. Choose a water-based lubricant such as our Smooth Water-Based Personal Lubricant ($15) to pair with your favorite silicone sex toys. Playing with sex toys of other materials, or perhaps none at all? Try our oil-based lubricant, Delight Organic Oil-Based Lubricant ($15 value), or get it for free with orders of $50 or more at Bloomi. Expand your selection of intimate wellness at Bloomi, and enjoy pleasure knowing no toxic chemicals are touching your intimate areas. 

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