Self-seduction tips to take your masturbation sessions to the next level

When it comes to seducing a lover, we’re used to pulling out all the stops, so why don’t we make the same efforts when it comes to self-love?

While a quickie solo sesh can certainly be gratifying, the best orgasms tend to come from plenty of mental and physical prep. Treat your body and mind to the dream date they deserve with these self-seduction tips, and fireworks are sure to follow.

Take a sensual bath

Rev yourself up for a show-stopping masturbation sesh by taking an extra steamy bath or shower to relax your senses and excite your body with teasing touches. Set the tone for sensuality by crafting a playlist with mood music that matches your romantic rhythm, and pick out a luxe bathing enhancer like fragrant bath salts (we love Foria's Intimacy Bath Salt) or scented body scrub.

Once you’ve prepared your personal oasis, take your time in the tub or shower and give yourself some extra special attention. You might try lazily running your hands or fingertips across the entirety of your body, exploring yourself just as a lover would if they were lucky enough to join you. 

Maintain that air of decadence once you’re ready to move on by indulging in a lush post-wash routine. Dry yourself off using the fluffiest towel you own, and finish by slathering your intimate area in a rich, clean moisturizer like Nourish and the rest of your body in a silky massage oil like Bloomi's Relax, massaging yourself gently during application. 

Put on something sexy for bed

It’s not uncommon for people to dress to impress their date by donning racy skivvies beneath their clothing that arouse upon sight. Channel that same erotic energy for your solo date and resist the urge to jump into your sweats, opting for a lace negligee or silk nighty instead. The best part about dressing to impress yourself is that you don’t have to sacrifice comfort for the sake of someone else’s lingerie preferences — choose pieces that are as pleasing to touch as they are to behold.

Pay attention to the sensations the material of your chosen outfit may elicit, picking items with a texture that titillates your skin. Not only can your sexy ensemble enhance stimulation, but looking good will boost your confidence, making you feel like the god/dess you are and prepping your mind to indulge in the sensual.

Consume media that will help get you in the mood

Don't jump straight into hardcore content. Instead, do a little mental foreplay with sexually suggestive material that isn't outright sexual, perhaps a romance novel with a plot that leaves you panting or a television show featuring a hot actor that reminds you of your first crush. Just as the case is with partnered sex, a slow build-up can make you ache with desire in the best of ways. Once you're fully aroused and eager to devour something more explicit, you can bring out a trusted piece of pornography that gets the job done every time.

Tease yourself

Whether using your hands, an internal sex toy like Bloomi's double-sided vibrator Indulge or an external sex toy like Bloomi's clitoral and body vibrator Massage, don’t immediately aim to climax when you begin touching yourself. Instead, prolong your pleasure and enjoy the journey. Teasingly test your own patience and avoid touching your preferred hot spot for as long as possible.

First, focus on all your other erogenous zones, giving ample time to caress and stimulate each one before moving on to the next. You could even try engaging in edging, the act of halting stimulation just before you reach your peak if you’re down for the challenge. The longer you hold off on crossing the finish line, the more intense and lasting your orgasm is likely to be.

When done right, you’ll find a night in with yourself can be just as thrilling (if not even more so) than a night out with a lover. 


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