How CBD oil can boost libido

If you are one of the many people wondering about CBD benefits, you’re not alone. The trendy ingredient has certainly hit the market by storm. We’re breaking down how it works and why your sex life may benefit from using products infused with CBD.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural compound found in the cannabis (or hemp) plant. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot “get high” with CBD because it is not THC, the active chemical that produces the “high” effect. In consumer products, CBD can either be 1) isolated from the plant or 2) extracted from the entire hemp plant to make full-spectrum oil.

Our body creates its own cannabinoid-like chemicals already.

We have all heard of common organ systems in the body, like our urinary, reproductive and digestive systems. However, scientists recently discovered the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a communication system that interlinks our organs and body systems to regulate homeostasis and cellular healing in the body.

The ECS creates its own cannabanoid-like chemicals in the body that help regulate sleep, mood, reproduction and more. Also, it turns out that our ECS also plays an important role in the sexual response cycle for people with vaginas.

Our bodies naturally get "high" during sex.

That’s right. A recent study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine looked at the role of endocannabinoids in our sexual behavior. They compared endocannabinoid levels before and after masturbation and found that the levels were significantly higher in people who had masturbated and orgasmed.

How can CBD or hemp oil can improve sex?

Since our body increases endocannabioid levels during sex, using CBD or hemp oil products on the skin may enhance our arousal and sensations during sex even more. Foria's Awaken, a natural arousal oil, is infused with CBD and other plant-based aphrodisiacs.

Think of it as a “pre-lube” designed to relax the nervous system while stimulating blood flow to the genitals for increased pleasure and sensation. It's specifically designed for people with vaginas, as they tend to have a slower arousal curve than people with penises, and their arousal is closely connected to overall mood and tension. It’s also considered a great moisturizer for the body and labial skin.


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