Healthy habits to increase sexual satisfaction

Your sexual preferences and interests change over time and during different life phases.

This is why it is important to stay informed about what is happening with your body and nourish desires as they change. The following steps can help you foster healthy long-term habits that will foster your sexual satisfaction over time:

Engage in self-pleasure

Masturbation is healthy for you. It relieves tension, helps relieve menstrual cramps or general pain, has been linked to improve mood and helps regulate reproductive organs.

“Masturbation is a primary form of sexual expression… masturbation is the ongoing love affair that each of us has with ourselves throughout our lifetime” — Betty Dodson, Sex for One.

Kindle passion through novelty

Live passionately by introducing novelty into your life and relationship.  Our minds and bodies have a positive biological response when we learn new things. For people who are single, introducing novelty and living a life of passion are fulfilling and may also be contagious. It could also help your sexual interactions feel more connected and satisfying.

For people in relationships, it is important to remember that no matter how skilled you or your partners may be, using the same techniques or routine will become less interesting over time.  Introducing novelty can include sharing new activities together (sexual and non-sexual).  In your sex life, it means introducing novelty to your shared spaces (e.g. change the vibe in your room with candles or fresh smells) to exploring new toys or erotic play together.


5 free ways to gift pleasure


Breast Health 101