Why adult sex education matters: Breaking the taboo

No, sex ed isn’t ‘have sex and you’ll get pregnant.’ If you remember experiencing sex education in school — which, for many folks in the U.S., happens if we’re lucky — then you may remember your gym teacher explaining with poorly drawn diagrams on the chalkboard. 

But these days, according to the 2018 CDC School Health Profiles, fewer than half of high schools and less than a fifth of middle schools teach all 20 topics recommended by the CDC as essential components of sex education. So that means, as adults who grew up further back than that, many adults haven’t even received half of what they should have learned are having to relearn what sex ed actually entails.

You may think you know a lot about sex, but as they say, the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know. Luckily, adult sex ed is trending. The more you know, the better pleasure you can attain for yourself, as well as your partner. Needless to say, sex education as an adult can be gratifying, liberating and open your mind in ways you never before imagined. 

Why is Sex Education Important: Breaking the Taboo

So, why is sex education important? First and foremost, proper sex education as an adult can break the taboos you might have learned as a kid — when a teacher filled your head with negative connotations about sex because, in many cases, abstinence was preached. Even if one can’t remember the teacher’s name who taught your sex ed course, the shame can last into adulthood, because an authoritative figure said not to have sex, or else

Sex education for adults can be a life-changing way to see sex in a new, positive light. From strengthening the bond with your partner(s), to improving mental and physical well-being, and exploring pleasure yourself, it’s an opportunity to reclaim your sexual side.

From Sexual Health to Greater Pleasure: What is Adult Sex Education All About?

Sex education in your early years was probably focused on puberty, body changes, STIs, and a sprinkle of fear-mongering. 

Adult sex education is a completely different ball game and includes valuable information about:

  • Healthy sexual expression and its benefits

  • How to maintain healthy relationships

  • The value and meaning of consent

  • How to unlock more pleasure and enjoy higher-quality sexual encounters

  • Sexual orientation and gender identity 

  • How to use and benefit from sex toys like vibrators and dildos, as well as lubricants and oils

The power of consent: What it means for sex & relationships

Consent is powerful! After all, it is incredibly important and can completely change the way we perceive and enjoy a sexual experience. It’s important to understand when and how to ask for and give consent, as well as common factors that inhibit a person from giving consent, such as drug or alcohol use. Interestingly, only 11 percent of States in the US require consent as a topic during sex education in our school systems. Luckily, sex ed for adults hits hard on the topic. 

Exploring pleasure: How can adult sex ed enhance sexual satisfaction and overall well-being?

Adult sex education is all about teaching you how to enjoy sex at a higher level. And there are many ways to do so, such as using the right lubricants and toys. Starting with proper lubricant adds more pleasure to each touch, building up to a beautiful finale. Bloomi’s Luxe Arousal Serum ($45) is a water-based product made from plant-derived ingredients that is designed to help increase pleasure before and during close encounters. 

Adult sex education also delves into the use of vibrators and toys. In 2017, market research company Statista uncovered an interesting fact: 80 percent of females with sex toys had a vibrator in their collection. That means the vibrator is the most popular sex toy in the US. And for good reason considering researchers found that 36 percent of people with a vagina required clitoral stimulation to achieve an orgasm. This is so important to know because if you are not reaching peak orgasm during sex, a vibrator might be the missing link.

Something discreet and handheld like Bloomi’s Massage Clitoral and Body Vibrator ($45) could be your ticket to getting off in the bedroom.

Embracing sexuality & how it changes as we age

Learning about how sex may change as we age is another important component of adult sex education. After all, we are only getting older, but we never have to stop enjoying sex.

The desire for intimacy is ageless. Even though statistics will tell you that people tend to see a dip in sexual desire around the age of fifty, it’s important to note that people of all ages are having great sex. Sure, you might need more lubricant or foreplay with age, but you also know more about your body and what you like. In addition, some people uncover greater confidence with age.

LGBTQ+ inclusivity in sex ed: Understanding diverse experiences

Sex is also far from black and white. There are so many ways to enjoy it, and everyone has their preferences. That’s why including LGBTQ+ in adult sex education is so important.

How to overcome insecurities & have better sex

Confidence can make or break you in the bedroom. Adult sex education can actually help improve confidence by giving you the tools and knowledge needed to feel like you know what you are doing. If you are feeling insecure about sex, the best place to start is alone with yourself playing around. Carve out some time for you and a sex toy and build up your confidence. In addition, seek out information about sex through adult sex education, as this will greatly improve confidence as well. 

Sexual dysfunction is common — but solutions are available

If you experience some type of sexual dysfunction, you are far from alone. Sexual dysfunction is defined as difficulty or inability to reach a satisfying orgasm, or any orgasm at all.

According to PubMed, 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men are affected by some form of sexual dysfunction. Hope is not lost, and you should never give up seeking the sexual pleasure everyone deserves. There are many different avenues one can venture down to find potential solutions, which is yet another important component of sexual education for adults. 

One potential issue is a lack of lubricant. Even if you feel turned on, you may not produce adequate lubrication to make sex comfortable, which causes your body to pump the brakes, sending you about as far from an orgasm as you can get. Using a quality lubricant can make all the difference, like this Smooth Water-Based Personal Lubricant ($15) made by Bloomi. 

Sexual Education Resources for Adults: Where to Find Reliable Information and Support

Ready to reshape the ways you think about sex and expand your knowledge? There are so many great sex education resources for adults out there. For starters, check out The 4 Intimacy Styles: The Key to Lasting Physical Intimacy E-Book ($19.99). A quick download and an eye opening read written by Dr. Viviana, a Certified Sex Therapist and Bloomi’s Resident Intimacy Expert. 

A quick Google search can send you down a rabbit hole. It’s important to seek out reputable organizations and always keep an open mind. You never know where your sexual education journey may take you; may it be filled with endless pleasure. 


Oral sex 101: The best oral sex positions, tips, and toys


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